Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Austin & Michelle

I had the pleasure of shooting engagement photos for my dear friends Austin and Michelle this weekend. I met both Michelle and Austin through mutual friends at Clemson and the two of them are the sweetest couple with a mutual love of Charlotte street hotdogs :).
 A little about Michelle and Austin:
They met freshman year at a heaven and hell fraternity party. This is where the top floor is decorated as heaven and the bottom floor is hell... but as Michelle says, even though they met on the bottom floor that night "I'd like to think we were not a match made in hell...." haha! Austin's cyclone dance moves immediately caught Michelle's attention, but she gave a chase and a year and half later, they made it official on St. Patricks Day. Five and half years later, Austin proposed after luring Michelle to his apartment with Chipotle.  (But really, who wouldn't be tempted) Michelle and Austin will be married 12/12/2015 at St Patrick's Cathedral in Charlotte.


  1. Cracking up about the hot dogs but not denying it!! We love you, Jenny!! Thank you for giving us such special pictures!

  2. Haha! Thought you would enjoy that! Love you guys!
